Through this playful, imaginative, and process-driven workshop the students will combine acting, writing and directing as they develop stories using elements from their own life, specifically based on objects they share with the group that have special meaning for them (such as family photographs, diaries and letters, clothes, personal treasures, etc.). The pariticipants will learn to construct and present aspects of their own life story, taking concrete objects as a starting point to trigger creative imagination. Questions raised in handling one’s own story will be explored individually and as a group.
The workshop will be lead by Helene Patarot, a French actress born in Vietnam. She will be in residence at The Watermill Center from February 10 through March 7 working on a documentary theatre piece exploring the story of her father who was a child soldier in a French army school in Vietnam in 1939.
The workshop will wake place at The Watermill Center from 11:00 – 5:00 with a midday lunch breal and tour of the grounds and collection. Bring three objects that have personal meaning for you, your lunch and wear comfortable clothes. The workshop is open to ages 18 and up.
A Tale to Tell is co-hosted by the Southampton Cultural Center
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