Stacey Goodman

In Residence:
May 3, 2017 - May 23, 2017
Visual Art, Installation, Film, Performance
United States

Stacey Goodman (b. 1967) is a transdisciplinary artist and educator based in Oakland, California. While his interest in activism and social justice has always been clear, his art tends to lean towards the poetic and surreal. Experimental narrative filmmaking has allowed the artist to explore visual poetics while being pointed in exploring political ideas. The visual poetics uses light, movement and framing in a way that it can both expand upon an idea, and unburden us from harsh political realities. In addition to his teaching and visual art practice, he’s also a writer who has been blogging on Edutopia about art and activism through an educational lens.

Multi-disciplinary artist Stacey Goodman will focus on connecting the performative and ephemeral aspects of his work Dreams, Light & Liberation, to the video and sculptural components. He will create sculptural objects, video and performances that together aim to liberate how we perceive marginalized people and spaces via historical photography and imagination – specifically the marginalized people of the 1930s and 40s.  

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