Benjamin Barber
Ted Carpenter
Deborah Jowitt
Alexandra Munroe
DJ Spooky

Paula Gabriela
Os Gemeos
Tatiana Grinberg
João Modé

The 108 artists from 33 different countries, including the first Watermill residents from India, Latvia, Rwanda, St. Lucia, and Zambia, attended this year’s Summer Program. This edition included the following workshops and activities:

Script treatment and storyboarding workshops toward the development of a high-definition feature film based on Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland.

Bach Organ Project
Workshops toward a multi-media video performance to accompany Bach’s music at Théâtre La Monnaie in Brussels.

Site-specific installations on the Watermill grounds by emerging artists from Brazil.

Gunpowder Park
A series of workshops devoted to the development of a land art installation for Gunpowder Park in north London.

Light, Glass, Photography
Workshop to design an exhibition of light, featuring glassworks created at CIRVA glass factory by Robert Wilson and photography by students of l’École Nationale Supérieure de la Photographie in Arles.

Design workshop for permanent exhibition installation at Mozart’s birthplace in Salzburg.

Orange County Performing Arts Center
Architectural design workshops for the boardwalk of the new Segerstrom Center for the Performing Arts in Southern California.

Revolution of Forms
Workshops toward an “architectural opera” based on the architectural history of the Schools of the Arts in Havana.

The Shadow
Continuing workshops for a production at Betty Nansen Theater (Coppenhagen) with music by Tom Waits.

St. John’s Passion
Staging workshops toward a new production of J.S. Bach’s St. John’s Passion.