Krymov Lab

A Story: Dido and Aeneas at CPR


Part of The Watermill Center / CPR residency partnership. Tickets are $10 and will be sold at the door. To make a reservation please email: Krymov Lab presents Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas as an “object-based opera” performed by a company of stage designers led by Vera Martynova. All graduating [...]

A Story: Dido and Aeneas at CPR2015-07-28T02:15:21+00:00

A Story: Dido and Aeneas


Krymov Lab presents Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas as an “object-based opera” performed by a company of stage designers led by Vera Martynova. All graduating students of GITIS, the Moscow Theater Academy, the young artists not only devised, conceived, imagined, and created every element on stage but they are also performers [...]

A Story: Dido and Aeneas2015-07-28T02:29:31+00:00
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